
Hello! Welcome to my site. I'm Jim Wright, and I'm a robot build'n, Lego animat'n, Shakespeare see'n, Software Engineer. I've been writing code since I was thirteen.

My first computer was an Atari 400. I wrote my first program early on Christmas 1983. My parents had hidden the Atari Basic book in a hiding place they knew I knew aobut five days before Christmas Day. I read that thing over and over for that week. I woke up early in the morning and typed in almost all the programs in the book. There was a simple stick figure doing jumping jacks. That was the first program I modified.

In college I took COBOL and Assembler as a freshman and worked my way through a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science backwards. At college I became a lap assistant for a PC lab and given keys, so I could use the PCs at any time of the day and night. I was given two internships with Boeing Computer Services during college. After college I got a fulltime position in BCS for Payroll Services.

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